Five Tough Questions to Ask Before Retirement
Five Tough Questions to Ask Before Retirement Retirement is a significant life milestone, but achieving a successful and fulfilling transition requires answering some tough questions.

Student of The Market Webinar – December 2024
https://youtu.be/CXMM5FnRR54 Dr. Jason Van Duyn586-731-6020AQuest Wealth StrategiesPresident Dr. Jason Van Duyn CFP®, ChFC, CLU, MBA is a Registered Representative with and Securities and Advisory Services

Student of The Market Webinar – July 2024
https://youtu.be/6htvv8tff4Q Dr. Jason Van Duyn586-731-6020AQuest Wealth StrategiesPresident Dr. Jason Van Duyn CFP®, ChFC, CLU, MBA is a Registered Representative with and Securities and Advisory Services

Choices For Your 401(K) At A Former Employer
Choices for Your 401(k) at a Former Employer One of the common threads of a mobile workforce is that many individuals who leave their job

Caring for Aging Parents
Caring for Aging Parents Thanks to healthier lifestyles and advances in modern medicine, the worldwide population over age 65 is growing. In the past decade,

Choosing A Retirement Plan That Fits Your Business
Choosing a Retirement Plan that Fits Your Business If you have yet to develop a retirement plan for your business, or if you’re not sure

Outlook 2024 Webinar: A Turning Point
https://youtu.be/u3ZiSBKTXtE Outlook 2024: A Turning Point Dr. Jason Van Duyn discusses how the readjustments in the economy and markets may impact you in the coming

Should I Accept a Free Credit Lock?
In today’s increasingly connected world, protecting your information is arguably more important than ever. Your credit report consists of a slew of personal details, such

Intellectual Property And Your Estate
Among the many considerations to ponder when forming your estate strategy, intellectual property (IP) is among the more important and misunderstood. The phrase itself may

Estate Strategies Of The Rich And Famous
How the Queen of Soul, the Lizard King, and Other Celebrities Determined Their Legacies Famous people are all too human. Tabloid newspapers and celebrity

Money Draining Food Myths
Money Draining Food Myths The road to better health may sometimes involve an extra expense here and there, but you should be careful about wasting

3 Estate Challenges For Blended Families
Preparing your estate can be complicated, and if you’re a part of a blended family, estate decisions can be even more complex and nuanced. Blended

Financially Savvy At Six Figures
Financially Savvy at Six Figures Reaching six figures is no easy feat. If you’re one of the hard-working few who have made it to this

Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Insurance Rates?
Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Insurance Rates? While the vast majority of insurance companies use credit-based insurance scores to help determine the price of

A Decision Not Made Is Still A Decision
A Decision Not Made Is Still a Decision Whether through inertia or trepidation, investors who put off important investment decisions might consider the admonition offered

AI Tools Changing Retiree Entrepreneurship
AI Tools Changing Retiree Entrepreneurship Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have become a game changer in various industries, and they are also proving incredibly useful for

Assess Life Insurance Needs
Assess Life Insurance Needs If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you

Midyear Outlook 2023: The Path Towards Stability
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9-f-WPGGtE Outlook 2023: The Path Towards Stability Dr. Jason Van Duyn discusses how the readjustments in the economy and markets may impact you in the

Buying Vs. Leasing A Car
Buying vs. Leasing a Car Some people approach buying a car like they approach marriage, “’til death do us part.” Others prefer to keep their

Net Unrealized Appreciation (UNA)
Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) Explained If you have built up company securities within your employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may find yourself with a range of

FIRE Retirement
FIRE Retirement If the idea of retiring in your early 50s, 40s, 30s, or even late 20s appeals to you, you may be interested in

Retiring Earlier Than Expected? What To Know
Retiring Earlier Than Expected? What To Know Many Americans, through circumstances beyond their control, find themselves needing to retire earlier than anticipated. Whatever the circumstances,

Deciding When to Take Social Security
Deciding When to Take Social Security One of the most common questions people ask about Social Security is when they should start taking benefits. Making

Understanding Equity Compensation
Understanding Equity Compensation Employers do what they can to foster a sense of ownership in their employees. After all, if you stand to benefit from

The Five Basics Of Financial Literacy
The Five Basics of Financial Literacy Credit and debt Understanding the ways credit and debt work for and against you are some of the first

Countdown To College
Countdown to College As a parent, you of course want to give your child the best opportunity for success, and for many, attending the “right”

Catch-Up Contributions
Catch-Up Contributions A recent survey found that 28% of workers are very confident about having enough money to live comfortably through their retirement years. At

Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset?
Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset? The federal estate tax threshold rose to $25.84 million in 2023 for married couples and $12.92 million

Caring For Aging Parents
Caring for Aging Parents Thanks to healthier lifestyles and advances in modern medicine, the worldwide population over age 65 is growing. In the past decade,

Draining The Lifeblood of The Economy
Draining The Lifeblood Of The Economy Investors use various analogies to describe the importance of small businesses in the domestic economy. Some refer to the

A Cheat Sheet for Sending Your Kid to College
A Cheat Sheet for Sending Your Kid to College College marks a great milestone in a child’s life. It may be the first time he

Secure Act 2.0 An Overview
SECURE Act 2.0 An Overview In the final days of 2022, Congress passed a new set of retirement rules designed to make it easier to

Timing Your Retirement
Timing Your Retirement This short video illustrates why knowing when to retire can be a crucial part of your strategy. The content is developed from

A Checklist for When a Spouse or Parent Passes
A Checklist for When a Spouse or Parent Passes When you lose a spouse, partner, or parent, the grief can be overwhelming. In the midst

Starting a Roth IRA for a Teen
Starting a Roth IRA for a Teen Want to give your child or grandchild a financial head start? A Roth IRA might be a

SECURE Act 2.0 Passed in Final Days of 2022
SECURE Act 2.0 Passed in Final Days of 2022 Congress spent the final days of 2022 on new reforms designed to help Americans save

Budget Check Up: Tax Time Is the Right Time
Budget Check Up: Tax Time Is the Right Time Every year, about 150 million households file their federal tax returns. For many, the process involves

IRA Withdrawals that Escape the 10% Tax Penalty
IRA Withdrawals that Escape the 10% Tax Penalty The reason withdrawals from a Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ are generally subject

Stop Wasting Money
Stop Wasting Money Benjamin Franklin once said, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” One way to find the money to meet your spending or

Outlook 2023: What’s Next for Interest Rates
Outlook 2023: What’s Next for Interest Rates What does the bond market know that the Fed isn’t telling us? Fed officials recently have said that

Find That Lost Retirement Account
Find That Lost Retirement Account Do you have a long-lost retirement account left with a former employer? Maybe it’s been so long that you can’t

Social Security 2023 COLA Increase Kicks In
Social Security 2023 COLA Increase Kicks In While you probably already found your notice in the mail, you may be curious about the COLA increase

Oil Prices Make a Round Trip in 2022
Oil Prices Make a Round Trip in 2022 The financial markets are complex systems. They can move from one event to the next so quickly

Tax Efficiency in Retirement
Tax Efficiency in Retirement Will you pay higher taxes in retirement? It’s possible. But that will largely depend on how you generate income. Will it

Discussing Finances Over the Holidays
Discussing Finances Over the Holidays The holiday season is upon us; from story time with sorely missed grandchildren to laughter with friends and family over

Outlook 2023: CEOs Are Cautious
Outlook 2023: CEOs Are Cautious It appears that America’s corporate leaders are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. Almost half of S&P

Consider Keeping Your Life Insurance When You Retire
Consider Keeping Your Life Insurance When You Retire Do you need a life insurance policy in retirement? One school of thought questions this decision. Perhaps

Building a Solid Financial Foundation
Building a Solid Financial Foundation When you read about money matters, you may see the phrase, “getting your financial house in order.” What exactly does

Is the Fed Ready to Pause?
Is the Fed Ready to Pause? Over the years, the Fed has followed a similar pattern with interest rates. It raises interest rates, then pauses,

How Financial Professionals Are Compensated
How Financial Professionals Are Compensated The fees that investors pay to financial professionals for their advice and services come in two basic forms: transaction fees